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Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast

Dec 10, 2018

The honorific of epic is bestowed somewhat freely these days but never has it been more well deserved than for Episode 28 of your prodigal son of podcasts, The NSFWP Podcast! Not only do we talk in-depth about four of the best heavy euro games we have played in quite awhile, Wendake, Brass: Birmingham, Trickerion &...

Oct 31, 2018

Hello all you Jack and Jacqueline O'Lantern's out there! Who knew so many pumpkins were Irish? I digress, the aforementioned greeting was intended to welcome you to this, the 27th episode of the world famously scary Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast! In this Halloweeny and... Don't think of it as short, think of it...

Oct 22, 2018

So the time comes again for another episode of the world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast but alas, it's not there... you wait another few days... no dice. Well the lazy MF'rs here at NSFWP central have finally gotten into gear and produced another dazzlingly informative and entertaining episode for you....

Sep 11, 2018

Hi and welcome back to our masterclass series: Teaching Board Games For Masochists! We've all been in this situation right? You're teaching a game to a group of humans and one of the creatures chimes in with a categorically false conjecture. You then gently, oh so gently, but firmly like the caress of an orangutan, tell...

Aug 6, 2018

G'day mates! And might I add that I am really getting a kick out of that hat your wearing! In this fantastic & gargantuan sized installment of the (Now legitimately) world famous Not Safe For Worker Placement Podcast we open some correspondence from board gaming's most strategically turtley continent Australia! Oh,...